Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Fruktsoppa (Fruit Soup)

This stewed fruit soup is traditionally served hot for the Christmas julbord, and is also good for a fruity, if sweet, breakfast treat. We make this frequently at Soup Nights at our house.

1 package mixed dried fruit
Water to cover
1 cinnamon stick
Orange or lemon zest (not traditional, but nice)
Grenadine syrup or fruit juice
Raisins or dried cranberries

In a saucepan, combine mixed dried fruit and water; bring to a boil, then drop to a simmer. Add cinnamon stick and allow to simmer for several hours, adding water as necessary, until fruits become a soft puree. Add a bit of grenadine syrup, or if you find grenadine too cloying, a little fruit juice such as orange, apple or pomegranate (anything that goes well with the mixed fruit you've chosen). Near the end of cooking time, add some raisins or dried cranberries and cook until they just rehydrate. Also remove the cinnamon stick and, if desired, add a little orange or lemon zest to brighten the flavor.

Serve hot or cold, with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

I've also made a summer fruktsoppa variant, only instead of mixed fruit I use the same amount of mixed dried berries and dried white peaches, and toss in a pint of fresh blueberries just at the last instead of the raisins. Oh, and cherry juice because YOM.

Contributor: Karl Eriksson, with tweaks by Soozcat

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Mashed root vegetables are Dutch soul food. This is a variant of stamppot, one of the most common side dishes in the Netherlands. I have no idea whether I've spelled the name of this dish correctly (probably not, since I can't find the name in ANY Google search), but I've approximated the way our family pronounces it. If any native Dutch speakers know how to spell it properly, please drop me a line.

Grandpa Kest used to tease Grandma whenever she made this, claiming (in his usual politically-incorrect fashion) that it was "Jew food." Well, guess what. This is apparently a Jewish-Dutch dish. And it is DELICIOUS, so yay chosen people!

2 or 3 large potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
1 or 2 carrots, peeled and cut into medium-sized chunks
1 onion, chopped
1-2 cloves garlic (not traditional, but tasty)
salt and pepper to taste
butter to taste, plus more for serving
a splash of milk, cream or evaporated milk
ground allspice for serving

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. When it's boiling, add the carrots and cook five minutes, then add the potatoes and onion (and the garlic if you're using it). Cook until the potatoes and carrots are soft. Drain water, then return vegetables to pot. Chuck in a good dob of butter and some milk (preferably heated), then MASH IT LIKE MAD, venting your frustrations and scaring the bejabers out of the cat! Don't forget to add some salt and pepper to taste during this process.

Once you've shown those veggies what for, scoop your mashed roots into a nice serving bowl. Make a small well in the top and add some butter, then dust the whole thing with a little allspice for presentation and a dash of flavor.

Serve with gusto, knowing Grandma Kest would be proud of you. ("Ja, kind!")

Contributor: Catharina Kest